Four must-haves for your Business Card

Your business card is the final impression you leave with a client, so undoubtedly you want it to be a good one. Here are 4 business card must-haves:

Include necessary information

Include information that is important to your business. Your business card is a physical call to action so ensure that each detail on your card, such as social media links, is a reflection of your business and utmost necessity.

Add a logo or graphic

You want to refrain from having just text on your business card. It will not only be appealing to the eye, but it can also be a great conversation starter.

Keep the design interesting

Black and white can sometimes be boring. We want you to leave with a good impression  so add colour to your design to keep it interesting – the design can be very impactful.

Make sure there is white space

Keep your business card simple and clean. Do not over-clutter it by adding too much information or too many graphics. You want to design a card with the right amount of material and proper spacing.

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